Autodesk Maya Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Autodesk Maya - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Overview of Maya
- Understanding the Maya interface
- Setting up files and Maya projects
- Configuring viewports
- Customizing the interface
- Navigating the Maya workspace
- Using the hotbox and marking menus
- Selecting objects
- Using the Move tool
- Rotating and scaling objects
- Working with pivots
- Understanding the Channel Box
- The Attribute Editor
Maya Scenes
- Organizing Maya Scenes
- Working with the Outliner
- Dealing with hierarchies
- Object groups
- Exploring Hypergraph
- Hiding and showing objects
- Working with layers
- Working with selection masks
Working with Polygons
- Creating Polygonal Models
- Differences between NURBS and polys
- Selecting polygonal components
- Using Soft Select and reflection
- Sculpting with the Sculpt tool
- The Combine and Separate commands
- Working with subdivision surfaces
Working with Meshes
- Working with edge loops
- Using Edge Flow for smooth geometry
- Reorienting geometry using Spin Edge
- Drawing detail with the Connect tool
- Mirroring geometry
- Modeling with nonlinear deformers
- Modeling with lattices
NURBS-based Modelling
- Refining NURBS Models
- Extracting NURBS curves from surfaces
- Open/ Close curves and surfaces
- Creating curves on a surface
- Projecting curves on surfaces
- Trimming NURBS surfaces
- Using fillets to connect surfaces
- Converting NURBS to polygons
Using Materials
- Creating Materials
- Overview of Maya renderers
- The basics of materials
- Creating and applying maps
- Using bitmaps as texture
- Working with the Hype shade window
- Using the Ramp material
- Displacement and bump maps
- Mental ray materials
Using Textures
- Applying Textures
- Texture mapping
- Projecting textures on surfaces
- Applying multiple materials
- UV mapping
- The UV Texture Editor
Rendering your Scene
- Render Settings
- Lights and lighting types
- Rendering shadows
- Camera basics
- Depth of field
- Motion Blur
- Reflections and refractions
- Matching lights and shadows to images
- Batch rendering
Animating in Maya
- The animation interface
- Set Key
- The Graph Editor
- The Dope Sheet
- Animating objects along spline paths
- Ghosting animation
- Animation playback using Playblast
- Creating animation cycles
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates