Mern Stack Development Training by Experts


Our Training Process

Mern Stack Development - Syllabus, Fees & Duration

Module 1: Introduction to React

  • What is React?
  • Why React?
  • React version history
  • React 16 vs React 15
  • Just React – Hello World
  • Using create-react-app
  • Anatomy of react project
  • Running the app
  • Debugging first react app

Module 2: Templating using JSX

  • Working with React. create Element
  • Expressions
  • Using logical operators
  • Specifying attributes
  • Specifying children
  • Fragments

Module 3: About Components

  • Significance of component architecture
  • Types of components
  • Functional
  • Class based
  • Pure
  • Component Composition

Module 4: Working with state and props

  • What is state and it significance
  • Read state and set state
  • Passing data to component using props
  • Validating props using prop Types
  • Supplying default values to props using default Props

Module 5: Rendering lists

  • Using react key prop
  • Using map function to iterate on arrays to generate elements

Module 6: Event handling in React

  • Understanding React event system
  • Understanding Synthetic event
  • Passing arguments to event handlers

Module 7: Understanding component lifecycle and  handling errors

  • Understand the lifecycle methods
  • Handle errors using error boundaries

Module 8: Working with forms

  • Controlled components
  • Uncontrolled components
  • Understand the significance to default Value prop
  • Using react ref prop to get access to DOM element

Module 9: Context

  • What is context
  • When to use context
  • Create Context
  • Context Provider
  • Context Consumer
  • Reading context in class

Module 10: Code-Splitting

  • What is code splitting
  • Why do you need code splitting
  • React lazy
  • Suspense
  • Route-based code splitting

Module 11: hooks

  • What are hooks
  • Why do you need hooks
  • Different types of hooks
  • Using state and effect hooks
  • Rules of hooks

Module 12: Routing with react router

  • Setting up react router
  • Understand routing in single page applications
  • Working with Browser Router and Hash Router components
  • Configuring route with Route component
  • Using Switch component to define routing rules
  • Making routes dynamic using route params
  • Working with nested routes
  • Navigating to pages using Link and NavLink component
  • Redirect routes using Redirect Component
  • Using Prompt component to get consent of user for navigation
  • Path less Route to handle failed matches

Module 13: Just Redux

  • What is redux
  • Why redux
  • Redux principles
  • Install and setup redux
  • Creating actions, reducer and store

Module 14: Immutable.js

  • What is Immutable.js?
  • Immutable collections
  • Lists
  • Maps
  • Sets

Module 15: React Redux

  • What is React Redux
  • Why React Redux
  • Install and setup
  • Presentational vs Container components
  • Understand high order component
  • Understanding map State To Props and map Dispatch To Props usage

Module 16: Redux middleware

  • Why redux middleware
  • Available redux middleware choices
  • What is redux saga
  • Install and setup redux saga
  • Working with Saga helpers
  • Sagas vs promises

Module 17: Unit Testing

  • Understand the significance of unit testing
  • Understand unit testing jargon and tools
  • Unit testing react components with Jest
  • Unit testing react components with enzyme

Module 18: Web pack Primer

  • What is web pack
  • Why web pack
  • Install and setup web pack
  • Working with web pack configuration file
  • Working with loaders
  • Working with plugins
  • Setting up Hot Module Replacement

Module 19: Isomorphic React

  • What is server-side rendering (SSR)?
  • Why SSR
  • Working with render To String and render To Static Markup methods

Download Syllabus - React JS

Module 1: Introduction to Node.js

  • What is Node.js
  • Features of Node.js
  • Concept
  • Where to fit and not fit
  • Event-Driven programming style
  • What is Asynchronous

Module 2: Installation / Setup

  • Local environment setup
  • Node.js runtime
  • Download source code
  • Installation on OS
  • Verify

Module 3: Node Package Manager

  • Install module by NPM
  • Global vs Local setup
  • Update Module
  • CRUD Module

Module 4: Express Framework

  • What is Express
  • Setup Express
  • Request And Response
  • Handling Routes
  • Route Middleware
  • Objects
  • Cookies Management
  • File upload
  • HTTP methods

Module 5: Buffers and Streams

  • What is buffers and Streams
  • Benefit of Streams over buffers
  • Create / Write / Read operation on Buffers
  • Process on Buffers
  • Read / Write data by Streams
  • Pipeline
  • Chaining Stream

Module 7: REST API

  • RESTful Architecture
  • HTTP URI and Methods
  • RESTful web services
  • Expose solution as API
  • Best practice for REST API solution

Module 8: Callback

  • What is Callback
  • Benefit of Callback
  • Asynchronous communications
  • Block and Non-Blocking
  • Standard Callback pattern
  • Async Flow control Library
  • Executing in parallel

Module 9: Events

  • What is Events
  • Events types
  • Event Emitter API
  • Multiple event listeners
  • Event emitter pattern
  • Class methods
  • Event Loop
  • Blocking Event Loop
  • Escaping Event Loop

Module 10: Connecting with Database

  • Introduction of MySQL
  • Connect with MySQL
  • Introduction of MongoDB
  • Features of MongoDB
  • Connect with MongoDB
  • Defining a schema
  • Defining a Model

Module 11: External Processes and Services

  • What is processes
  • Spawning Child process
  • Create and kill processes
  • Building with HTTP Severs
  • HTTP requests
  • Secure HTTP Server

Module 12: External Processes and Services

  • Using Test Runner
  • Using Assertion Testing Module
  • Built-in Debugger
  • Console log
  • Node Inspector

Download Syllabus - Node JS


  • The model-view-controller pattern
  • Defining Jade templates
  • Configuring Express
  • Postman configuration
  • Using REST
  • JSON Data
  • Reading POST data
  • CRUD operations
  • Adding middleware


  • Connecting to RDBMS and Mongodb databases
  • Performing CRUD operations

    • Getting Started
    • Adding To Your App
    • Exploring The Front-end
    • Sending Live Data Back & Forth
    • Creating The Front-end UI
    • Showing Messages In App
    • Working With Time
    • Timestamps
    • Show Message Time In Chat App
    • Chat application Project


    • Working with gulp
    • Working with grunt
    • Working with unit and E2E testing


    • starting a server
    • Writing your first route
    • Sending a response
    • Macthing route paths
    • Getting a single expression
    • Setting status codes
    • Macthing longer paths
    • Other HTTP methods

    Download Syllabus - Express JS

    Module 1: Introduction to NoSQL

    • What Is NoSQL?
    • Why NoSQL databases are required
    • Types of NoSQL Database
    • NoSQL vs SQL Comparison
    • ACID & BASE Property
    • CAP Theorem
    • Benefits of NoSQL databases
    • Installation
    • Start and Stop the MongoDB process

    Module 2: MongoDB Architecture

    • Document, Collection, Databases
    • JSON and BSON
    • Storage Engines
    • Read Path
    • Journaling
    • Write Path
    • Working Set
    • Capped Collection
    • Oplog collection
    • TTL Index
    • GridFS

    Module 3: CRUD Operations

    • MongoDB Data Types
    • Inserting, Update, Deleting the documents
    • Querying the documents
    • Bulk insert operation
    • Updating multiple document
    • Limiting documents
    • Filtering documents

    Module 4: Schema Design and Data modeling

    • Dynamic Schema
    • What is Data modeling?
    • RDBMS and MongoDB Data modeling difference
    • Embedding Document
    • Reference Document

    Module 5: Indexes

    • Index concepts in MongoDB
    • Types of indexes
    • Indexes and its use cases
    • Creating Indexes
    • Managing Indexes
    • Index strategies

    Module 6: Database Administration in MongoDB

    • Database status
    • Troubleshooting issues
    • Current Operations
    • Rotating log files
    • Users and Roles
    • Copy and Clone database
    • DB and Collection Stats
    • Explain plan
    • Profiling
    • Changing configuration files
    • Upgrading the database

    Module 7: MongoDB: Backup and Security

    • Concept of backups
    • mongoexport/mongoimport
    • mongodump/mongorestore
    • Oplog backups
    • LVM Backups
    • Backups using MMS/Ops Manager
    • Purpose of security
    • Authentication and authorization
    • Role based access control

    Module 8: Replication in MongoDB

    • Concept of replication
    • ReplicaSet member roles
    • Voting and Electing primary
    • Role of Oplog in replication
    • Read and Write Concern
    • Arbiter,Hidden and Delayed replica node
    • Priority settings
    • Replicaset nodes health check
    • Concept of resyncing the nodes
    • Rollbacks during failover
    • Keyfile authentication

    Module 9: MongoDB Scalability

    • Concept of Scalability
    • Sharding concept
    • Shardkey and Chunks
    • Choosing shardkey
    • Sharding components
    • Types of Sharding
    • Balanced data distribution
    • Sharded and Non-sharded collection
    • Sharded Replicaset
    • Tag aware sharding

    Module 10: MongoDB Monitoring and Other Tools

    • MMS Manager
    • Ops Manager
    • Mongo utility commands
    • Mongo developer tools
    • MongoDB Atlas
    • MongoDB client drivers

    Download Syllabus - MongoDB
    Course Fees

    Mern Stack Development Jobs in Coimbatore

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    Mern Stack Development Internship/Course Details

    Mern Stack Development internship jobs in Coimbatore
    Mern Stack Development There are no tables in MongoDB. It stores data in document format to change any range of records, add or delete existing fields within the table. All the info is kept in JSON format, i. Its NoSQL database working with data very efficiently. Actually, React has been formed to arrange the development, maintenance and updating of the UI with the goal of assisting the development groups operating on projects of average and extremely difficult. React web framework is currently being used by reputed companies including Netflix, NASA, BBC, Facebook, Paypal, etc. With Node. js you are ready to execute multiple actions at the same time. React(also referred to as React. Working with MongoDB NoSQL information is much easier than operating with any relational database.

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    List of Training Institutes / Companies in Coimbatore

    • CoimbatoreLocalSearchEngine | Location details: Trichy Rd, Olymbus, Bharathi Nagar, Ramanathapuram, Tamil Nadu 641045, India | Classification: Internet marketing service, Internet marketing service | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 74181 81844
    • EtherDigitalMarketing-DigitalMarketingCompany,WebsiteDesign,SEOCompanyInCoimbatore | Location details: 144, Sengupta St, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641009, India | Classification: Internet marketing service, Internet marketing service | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 95972 71533
    • CookieMan-CoimbatoreAirport | Location details: coimbatore airport, Departure Terminal, Inside Domestic, sitra, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641014, India | Classification: Bakery, Bakery | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • ITPROInc-DataEntryIndia | Location details: No 99 G.D. Towers, Gandhipuram, Nehru Street, Ram Nagar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641009, India | Classification: Internet marketing service, Internet marketing service | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 98941 11886
    • KARUNYAHOMENURSINGSERVICES-HOMENURSINGSERVICESCOIMBATORE | Location details: Door No 108/79, rajnaidu Road, Sivandha Colony,, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641012, India | Classification: Nursing home, Nursing home | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 95431 99904
    • V&DGlobalSolutions-DigitalMarketing|MobileAndWebApplication|Ecommerce|ITConsulting | Location details: No.31, Ground Floor, Saravanampatti - Kalapatti Rd, Marvel Parambariyam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641035, India | Classification: Internet marketing service, Internet marketing service | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • ColorWhistle-WebsiteDesign&DigitalMarketingServicesCompanyIndia | Location details: 60/10, LEO Towers, Sathy Rd, Ganapathy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641006, India | Classification: Web Designer, Web Designer | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 422 420 2825
    • ColorWhistle-WebsiteDesign&DigitalMarketingServicesCompanyIndia | Location details: 60/10, LEO Towers, Sathy Rd, Ganapathy, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641006, India | Classification: Web Designer, Web Designer | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 422 420 2825
    • Infotech-JobConsultancyCoimbatore|ManpowerServices|HRServicesInCoimbatore | Location details: N0-200/A,2nd floor,4th street, Cross Cut Rd, Gandhipuram, Tamil Nadu 641012, India | Classification: Unemployment office, Unemployment office | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 96595 42424
    • MukeshMarketing | Location details: 387, Rangai Gowder St, Town Hall, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641001, India | Classification: Marketing, Marketing | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 422 239 4509
    • SelectMarketing | Location details: 1011, Avainashi Road, K K Pudur, R S Puram, Saibaba Colony, K K Pudur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641018, India | Classification: Marketing consultant, Marketing consultant | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 422 238 0723
    • ThanvanthHomeCare(HomeNursingServiceCoimbatore) | Location details: No 126 A, W Sambandam Rd, R S Puram West, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641002, India | Classification: Home health care service, Home health care service | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 78455 88228
    • AirtelLeasedLineCoimbatore | Location details: 81 Sowarnambikka Ramnagar Post Gandhipuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641009, India | Classification: Internet service provider, Internet service provider | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 97894 71727
    • CLOUDDREAMS-WebDesigningCompanyInCoimbatore|Website|Logo|WebDevelopment|BrandingCompany|SEOCompanyInCoimbatore | Location details: NO.1098,9th street Extn, Dr Radhakrishna St, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641012, India | Classification: Web Designer, Web Designer | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 99947 50143
    • CLOUDDREAMS-WebDesigningCompanyInCoimbatore|Website|Logo|WebDevelopment|BrandingCompany|SEOCompanyInCoimbatore | Location details: NO.1098,9th street Extn, Dr Radhakrishna St, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641012, India | Classification: Web Designer, Web Designer | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 99947 50143
    • TrafficCrow | Location details: 100/90c3, 4th Street, T.Balannagar, Ganapathypudur, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641006, India | Classification: Training centre , Training centre | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 95979 67636
    • Vaanam Technologies Pvt.Ltd Address: 72,Lal Bahathur colony,, 1st St, Bharathi Colony, Peelamedu, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641004 Phone: 0422 256 7626 ,
    • ERP companies in coimbatore Address: Post Office Rd, Krishnaswamy Nagar, Sowripalayam Pirivu, Ramanathapuram, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641045 Phone: 081100 63322 ,
    • ClubSEO Address: Anbu Nagar 4th St, Edayarpalayam, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641025 Phone: 091711 22505 ,
    • Sriwebeo Address: Sri Ganapathy Illam, 102, 97A, NSR Rd, A.K.Nagar, Saibaba Colony, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641011 Phone: 097902 43113 ,
    • Chaya Inc Address: No100/A.G.V.Ramasamy Goundar Street, Rathinapuri, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu 641027 Phone: 099407 94722 , website:
     courses in Coimbatore
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