Php/MySQL Training by Experts
Our Training Process

Php/MySQL - Syllabus, Fees & Duration
Introduction to PHP
- Evaluation of PHP
- Basic syntax
- Defines variable and constant
- PHP Data Type
- Operator and expression
Handles HTML form using PHP
- Capturing form data
- File Multi-Value
- Creates a file uploaded form
- Redirects a form after submission
Decisions and loop
- Making decisions
- Doing repetitive work with looping
- Decisions and Mixing with HTML
- What is an activity?
- Define a function
- Call by value, call by reference
- Repeat action
- Creating and accessing the string
- The string is searched and replaced
- Formatting the string
- String related library functionality
- Anatomy of an Array
- Creates an index-based and associative array
- Accessing the array element
- Looping using an index based array
- Looping with associative array with each () and for each ()
- Some useful library activity
Works with files and directories
- Understanding the file and directory
- Opens and closes a file
- Copy, rename, and delete a file
- Working with directories
- Creating a text editor
- File uploading and downloading
The string matches the regular expression
- What is regular expression
- Pattern matching in PHP
- Replacing the text
- Splits a string with a regular expression
Creating images using PHP
- Fundamentals of computer graphics
- Creating the image
- Managing the image
- Using the text in the image
Database connectivity with MySQL
- Introduction to RDBMS
- Connection to MySQL database
- Performing Basic Database Functionality (Insert, Delete, Update, and Select)
- Sets the query parameter
- Implementing the query
- Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer join, Self joins)
Advanced PHP
- Introduction to OOPS
- MySQL database
- Create dynamic pages using PHP and MySQL
- Ajax
- jQuery
HTML 5 (5 Hours)
CSS (5 Hours)
Bootstrap (5 Hours)
Javascript (5 Hours)
This syllabus is not final and can be customized as per needs/updates