Web Development Training by Experts


Our Training Process

Web Development - Syllabus, Fees & Duration

Module 1 :The Background

  • The mobile space today
  • Advantages
  • Challenges
  • Native vs. web, is really a question?
  • What is JQM?
  • What is not jQM?
  • What is a web app?
  • Why jQM?
  • Features
  • Compatibility
  • Requirements

Module 2: HTML5 basics

  • Requirements
  • HTML5 in a small nutshell
  • Why HTML5?
  • What do we need to know about HTML5 for jQM
  • Basic template
  • Testing HTML5 documents
  • Emulators, Simulators & more & Viewports on mobile browsers

Module 3: The framework

  • Architecture of Self hosted vs. CDNs
  • Main template
  • CDNs available
  • Main template
  • Support on IDEs
  • Roles
  • Theming

Module 4: The page

  • Headers and footers basics
  • Mandatory items in a page
  • Working with HTML in the content
  • Navigation
  • Internal page navigation
  • External page navigation
  • Understanding AJAX on mobile browsers
  • Absolute external links
  • Mobile Special links

Module 5: UI Components

  • Customizing toolbars
  • Positioning toolbars
  • Navigation Bars
  • Persistent footers and navigation
  • Collapsible content
  • Working with columns

Module 6: Buttons

  • Creating buttons
  • Inline buttons
  • Grouped buttons
  • Icons
  • Custom icons

Module 7: Lists

  • Creating lists
  • Full-page vs inset-lists
  • Visual separators
  • Nested lists
  • Interactive rows, Split button rows
  • Split button rows
  • Thumbnails
  • Count bubbles
  • Aside content
  • Title and Description
  • Filtering data

Module 8: Forms

  • AJAX vs. non-AJAX forms
  • Automatic form behaviour
  • Labeling
  • Field containers
  • Text fields
  • Slider, Slider switch
  • Select menus, UI Select menus
  • Radio Buttons
  • Checkboxes, File Upload
  • Validation using HTML5

Module9: The framework and JavaScript

  • Using jQuery inside jQuery Mobile
  • mobile element
  • The mobile init event
  • Configuring defaults
  • Touch events, Orientation events
  • Scroll events, Page events
  • Virtual mouse events
  • Managing navigation through JavaScript

Module 10: Dynamic data with jQuery Mobile

  • HTML5 vs AJAX
  • Bringing JSON data to jQuery Mobile
  • Updating form controls
  • Updating lists
  • Implementing Infinite list pattern

Module11: Extending the framework

  • Using plugins
  • The top 5 plugins for jQuery Mobile
  • Creating our own plugin
  • Plugin architecture
  • Understanding CSS architecture
  • Define our own CSS patch
  • Changing CSS behavior

Module12: Managing data with HTML5

  • Using Web Storage and Web SQL
  • Using geolocation

Module 13: Packaging for installation and stores

  • The offline manifest
  • Full-screen web apps for iOS
  • What is a hybrid
  • Phone Gap vs other alternatives
  • Packaging a sample application

Download Syllabus - JQuery


  • Web Development Introduction
  • History of HTML
  • HTML Tags and Attributes
  • HTML Tag vs. Element

Basic Formatting Tags

  • HTML Basic Tags
  • HTML Head Tag
  • HTML Meta Tag
  • HTML Formatting Tags
  • HTML Color Coding


  • Unordered Lists
  • Ordered Lists
  • Definition list


  • Image and Image Mapping


  • URL - Uniform Resource Locator
  • URL Encoding



  • Title
  • Base
  • Link
  • Styles
  • Script
  • Meta

HTML5 forms

  • Introduction to HTML5 forms
  • Accessible forms
  • New Input types
  • New forms attributes
  • Form validation


  • Basics of HTML5 canvas
  • Immediate drawing mode: rectangles, text, images, etc.
  • Path drawing mode: lines, circles, arcs, curves, etc.
  • Colors, gradients, patterns, shadows, etc.
  • Working with SVG in HTML5

HTML5 animations

  • Basic animation techniques
  • Canvas and user interaction
  • Working with pixels
  • Understanding transforms


  • Introduction to HTML5 APIs
  • The Web Storage API
  • Form validation API
  • The File API
  • The Geolocation API

Download Syllabus - HTML 5


  • HTML structure and content
  • Advantages of CSS
  • Creating and using style sheets
  • CSS Rules: The Basic Syntax

CSS Boxes and CSS Selectors

  • The CSS box model
  • CSS and logical HTML structure
  • Styling boxes, borders, margins, and padding
  • Using IE6 standards mode
  • Sh4ecifying CSS distances
  • and many other CSS techniques

Fonts and Text

  • Using custom fonts
  • Font properties
  • Web font formats
  • Type Kit, font squirrel

Text Formatting in CSS

  • Fundamentals of text formatting
  • Typefaces, alternatives, and defaults
  • Font characteristics
  • Formatting blocks of text
  • Using arbitrary inline tags

CSS Selectors and Selections

  • Using HTML element IDs in CSS
  • Using CSS descendant selectors
  • Descendant selector examples
  • Child, sibling, and pseudo-class selectors
  • And many other CSS techniques.

CSS positioning

  • Choosing the right CSS
  • Technique for positioning blocks
  • The position property, floats, and margins
  • Static positioning and normal flow
  • Absolute positioning outside normal flow
  • Fixed positioning outside normal flow

CSS page Layout

  • Alternative methods of CSS positioning
  • Styling lists
  • Redefining the behaviour of inline and block elements
  • Table formatting in CSS
  • Styling table cell borders
  • page layout with table dish4lay properties

Cascade, precedence, Specificity, and Inheritance in CSS

  • Cascading and cascade order
  • Resolving style conflicts by Origin & Importance
  • Resolving style conflicts by Specificity & Order

CSS Layers and Translucency

  • Different forms of layered presentations in CSS
  • Layering with the z-index property
  • Different methods for creating translucency effects
  • The CSS3 opacity property

Using CSS in the Real World

  • Deploying CSS
  • CSS formatting vs. HTML formatting
  • Standard tags and semantic markup
  • Screen size and fluid design
  • Table layout and CSS positioning
  • Cross-platform testing

Useful CSS Tips

  • Usage of CSS Sprites
  • Pseudo Selectors
  • CSS Minify
  • Cheat Sheet for CSS3

Download Syllabus - CSS


  • Bootstrap
  • Get Started
  • What is Bootstrap?
  • Bootstrap History
  • Why Use Bootstrap?
  • Where to get Bootstrap?
  • Downloading Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap CDN


  • Create First Web Page with Bootstrap
  • Add the HTML5 Doctype
  • Bootstrap is Mobile –First
  • Containers
  • Basic Bootstrap Pages
  • Bootstrap Grids
  • Bootstrap Grid System
  • Grid Classes
  • Basic Structure of a Bootstrap Grid
  • Equal Columns
  • Unequal Columns


  • Bootstrap Text / Typography
  • Bootstrap’s Default Settings
  • Bootstrap vs. Browser Defaults
  • Bootstrap Tag Elements
  • Contextual Colors and
  • Background
  • Typography Classes


  • Bootstrap Table
  • Rounded Corners
  • Circle
  • Thumbnail
  • Responsive Images
  • Image Gallery
  • Responsive Embeds


  • Bootstrap Jumbotron and Page Header
  • Creating a Jumbotron
  • Jumbotron inside Container
  • Jumbotron outside Container
  • Creating a Page Header


  • Bootstrap Wells
  • Wells
  • Well Size


  • Bootstrap Alerts
  • Alerts
  • Closing Alerts
  • Animated Alerts


  • Bootstrap Buttons
  • Button Style
  • Button Sizes
  • Block Level Buttons
  • Active /Disable Buttons


  • Bootstrap Button Groups
  • Button Groups
  • Vertical Button Groups
  • Justified Button Group
  • Nesting Button Groups
  • Dropdown Menus
  • Split Button Dropdowns
  • MODULE 10

    • Bootstrap Glyphicons
    • Glyphicons
    • Glyphicons Syntax
    • Glyphicon Example

    MODULE 11

    • Bootstrap Badges and Labels
    • Badges
    • Labels

    MODULE 12

    • Bootstraps Progress Bars
    • Basic Progress Bar
    • Progress Bar with Label
    • Colored Progress Bars
    • Striped Progress Bars

    MODULE 13

    • Bootstrap Pagination
    • Basic Pagination
    • Active State
    • Disabled State
    • Pagination Sizing

    MODULE 14

    • Bootstrap Pager
    • What is Pager?
    • Align Buttons

    MODULE 15

    • Bootstrap List Groups
    • Basic list Groups
    • List Group with Badges
    • List Group with Linked Items
    • Contextual Classes
    • Custom Content

    MODULE 16

    • Bootstrap Panels
    • Panels
    • Panel Heading
    • Panel Footer
    • Panel Group
    • Panel with Contextual Classes

    MODULE 17

    • Bootstrap Dropdowns
    • Basic Dropdown
    • Dropdown Driver
    • Dropdown Header
    • Disable an Item
    • Dropdown Accessibility
    • Bootstrap Collapse

    MODULE 18

    • Basic Collapsible
    • Example Explained
    • Collapsible Panel
    • Collapsible List Group
    • Accordion

    MODULE 19

    • Bootstrap Tabs and Pills Menus
    • Tabs
    • Tabs with Dropdown Menu
    • Pills
    • Vertical Pills
    • Vertical Pills in Row
    • Pills with Dropdown Menu
    • Centered Tabs and Pills
    • Toggle/Dynamic Tabs
    • Toggle/Dynamic Pills

    MODULE 20

    • Bootstrap Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bars
    • Inverted Navigation Bar
    • Fixed Navigation Bar
    • Navigation Bars with Dropdown
    • Right Aligned Navigation Bar
    • Collapsing the Navigation Bar

    MODULE 21

    • Bootstrap Forms
    • Bootstrap’s Default Settings
    • Bootstrap Form Layouts
    • Bootstrap Vertical Form
    • Bootstrap Inline Form
    • Bootstrap Horizontal Form
    • Bootstrap Form Inputs
    • Supported Form Controls

    MODULE 22

    • Bootstrap Input
    • Bootstrap Text area
    • Bootstrap Checkboxes
    • Bootstrap Radio Buttons
    • Bootstrap Select List

    MODULE 23

    • Bootstrap Form Inputs (More)
    • Static Control
    • Bootstrap Form Control States

    MODULE 24

    • Bootstrap Input Sizing
    • Input Sizing in Forms
    • Height Sizing
    • Column Sizing
    • Help Text

    MODULE 25

    • Bootstrap Carousel Plugin
    • The Carousel Plugin
    • How to Create a Carousel
    • Add Captions to Slides

    MODULE 26

    • Bootstrap Model Plugin
    • The Model Plugin
    • Hoe to Create a Model
    • Model Size

    MODULE 27

    • Bootstrap Tooltip Plugin
    • The Tooltip Plugin
    • How to Create Tooltip
    • Positioning Tooltips

    MODULE 28

    • Bootstrap Popover Plugin
    • The Popover Plugin
    • How to Create a Popover
    • Positioning Popovers
    • Closing Popovers

    MODULE 29

    • Bootstrap Scrollspy Plugin (Advanced)
    • The Scrollspy Plugin
    • How to Create a Scrollspy
    • Scrollspy Vertical Menu

    MODULE 30

    • Bootstrap Case
    • Build a Bootstrap Web Page
    • From Scratch
    • Add Bootstrap CDN and Put
    • Elements in Containers
    • Add Jumbotron
    • Adding button and icons
    • Multicolumn Layout
    • Adding Menus Tabs
    • Adding Navigation bars
    • Download Syllabus - Bootstrap

    Introduction to PHP

    • Evaluation of PHP
    • Basic syntax
    • Defines variable and constant
    • PHP Data Type
    • Operator and expression

    Handles HTML form using PHP

    • Capturing form data
    • File Multi-Value
    • Creates a file uploaded form
    • Redirects a form after submission

    Decisions and loop

    • Making decisions
    • Doing repetitive work with looping
    • Decisions and Mixing with HTML


    • What is an activity?
    • Define a function
    • Call by value, call by reference
    • Repeat action


    • Creating and accessing the string
    • The string is searched and replaced
    • Formatting the string
    • String related library functionality


    • Anatomy of an Array
    • Creates an index-based and associative array
    • Accessing the array element
    • Looping using an index based array
    • Looping with associative array with each () and for each ()
    • Some useful library activity

    Works with files and directories

    • Understanding the file and directory
    • Opens and closes a file
    • Copy, rename, and delete a file
    • Working with directories
    • Creating a text editor
    • File uploading and downloading

    The string matches the regular expression

    • What is regular expression
    • Pattern matching in PHP
    • Replacing the text
    • Splits a string with a regular expression

    Creating images using PHP

    • Fundamentals of computer graphics
    • Creating the image
    • Managing the image
    • Using the text in the image

    Database connectivity with MySQL

    • Introduction to RDBMS
    • Connection to MySQL database
    • Performing Basic Database Functionality (Insert, Delete, Update, and Select)
    • Sets the query parameter
    • Implementing the query
    • Join (Cross joins, Inner joins, Outer join, Self joins)

    Advanced PHP

    • Introduction to OOPS
    • MySQL database
    • Create dynamic pages using PHP and MySQL
    • Ajax
    • jQuery
    • HTML
      • CSS
      • JavaScript

    Download Syllabus - Php/MySQL

    Domain Name Registration

    • Search Domains
    • Top Level Domains (TLD)
    • Country wise domains
    • Domain name registrations
    • Sub Domains

    Web Server Settings

    • How to Choose Web server?
    • Dedicated Server, Shared Server, VPS Hosting & Cloud Hosting
    • Basics of Web Server Control Panel
    • DNS Settings
    • Web Server Performance
    • Add on Primary Domains
    • Create sub domains

    FTP Software Installations

    • FTP Software
    • FTP Software Installation
    • FTP Configuration
    • How to use FTP Software
    • Upload / Download files using FTP Software

    Download Syllabus - Web Hosting (FTP)
    Course Fees

    Web Development Jobs in Mumbai

    Enjoy the demand

    Find jobs related to Web Development in search engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo) and recruitment websites (monsterindia, placementindia, naukri, jobsNEAR.in, indeed.co.in, shine.com etc.) based in Mumbai, chennai and europe countries. You can find many jobs for freshers related to the job positions in Mumbai.

    • Web Master
    • Php Developer
    • Full Stack Programmer
    • Jquery Expert
    • Javascript Programmer
    • Bootstrap
    • CSS Designer
    • Web Developer
    • Web Master
    • Web Programmer

    Web Development Internship/Course Details

    Web Development internship jobs in Mumbai
    Web Development Being a sensible business person, one has to opt for strong programming tools and database management systems. So, although simple, PHP is the widely used language in web development. Currently, PHP is one of the most popular server side scripting languages in the world. Anatomy of a CSS ruleset Selecting multiple elements Different types of a selector Fonts and text Boxes, boxes, it’s all about boxes Changing the page color Sorting the body out Positioning and styling our main page title Centering the image Backgrounds and Borders Image values and replaced Content Text Effects 2D/3D Transformations Animations Multiple Column Layout User Interface. This jQuery course is particularly suitable for front-end web designers taking their first steps into web programming as JQuery build directly upon CSS and HTML knowledge. It helps developers to accelerate custom web application development by using the tools, features, and code snippets provided by PHP frameworks. In this JQuery training in Dubai u will learn ,Content extraction ,Content manipulation ,Cross-browser CSS styling with jQuery,Jquery event functions ,JQuery animation and effects ,JQuery UI and much more in depth. It is supported by the relational database management system. As well as they make the web application deliver a richer user experience . Nowadays php become popular because a fast, secure, easy to use, and open source programming language.

    List of All Courses & Internship by TechnoMaster

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    The enviable salary packages and track record of our previous students are the proof of our excellence. Please go through our students' reviews about our training methods and faculty and compare it to the recorded video classes that most of the other institutes offer. See for yourself how TechnoMaster is truly unique.

    List of Training Institutes / Companies in Mumbai

    • RoyalThaiConsulate-General,Mumbai | Location details: Express Towers, 12th Floor, Barrister Rajni Patel Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400021, India | Classification: Foreign consulate, Foreign consulate | Visit Online: thaiembassy.org | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 2282 3535
    • FSSAI,TrademarkRegistrationInMumbai | Location details: Shop No. 1, Kamla Niwas, Main Carter Road, Near Police Station, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066, India | Classification: Patent attorney, Patent attorney | Visit Online: mslegalassociates.in | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • TowingServiceMumbai(CarTowing/24*7Towing/TowingService) | Location details: D/1,Sairaj Nagar, Iraniwadi Rd Number 3, Kandivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400067, India | Classification: Towing equipment provider, Towing equipment provider | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • LitrumBIM&MEPConsultant | Location details: B-602, Kailas Business Park, Park Site Rd, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400079, India | Classification: Engineering consultant, Engineering consultant | Visit Online: litrum.in | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 2085 7272
    • EcoMepConsultants | Location details: Rock Avenue, opp. ICICI Bank, near Hindustan Naka, Kandivali, Sai Nagar, Kandivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400067, India | Classification: Engineering consultant, Engineering consultant | Visit Online: ecomep.in | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 2868 5861
    • TataPower | Location details: Dr R. C. Marg, Wadavli, Union Park, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400074, India | Classification: Office, Office | Visit Online: tatapower.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 1800 209 5161
    • TUVIndiaPvt.Ltd | Location details: 241, Hindustan Kohinoor Complex, Opp. MTNL office, LBS Marg Vikhroli (West), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400083, India | Classification: Business management consultant, Business management consultant | Visit Online: tuv-nord.com | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • FalguniShanePeacockJuhu,Mumbai | Location details: Shop No. 7, Valencia, Juhu Tara Rd, Juhu, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400049, India | Classification: Fashion designer, Fashion designer | Visit Online: falgunishanepeacock.in | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 6741 5593
    • IMzMediaSolutions | Location details: 207 - 210, 2nd floor, 55,, Panchshil Plaza, Hughes Road, Grant Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400007, India | Classification: Internet marketing service, Internet marketing service | Visit Online: imzmediasolutions.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 2368 2245
    • L&TPSSMML-3Office | Location details: 1st floor, Anirudh Building Number 27, Building No.-27, Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400089, India | Classification: Civil engineering company, Civil engineering company | Visit Online: lntecc.com | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • BestPaintingServicesHyderabad-AapkaPainter.com | Location details: Unispace business center 5th floor, Vaishnavi cynosure building, Old Mumbai Hwy, Gachibowli, Hyderabad, Telangana 500032, India | Classification: Painter, Painter | Visit Online: aapkapainter.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 80887 77173
    • QSAPGROUP-ASOFTWAREANDDIGITALMARKETINGCOMPANYHEADQUARTEREDINMUMBAI | Location details: 316 / 20 , OFFICE NO . 20 , 1 ST FLOOR SWADESHI MARKET, Kalbadevi Road, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400002, India | Classification: Software company, Software company | Visit Online: qsap.in | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • KalamboliPostOffice | Location details: CIDCO, Sector- 3 EB New Bombay Pune Road, Sector 3E, Kalamboli, Panvel, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra 410218, India | Classification: Post office, Post office | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 2742 5300
    • MGheewala | Location details: Off. No. 202 - 2nd Floor, Bombay Market, Tardeo Rd, Tardeo, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400034, India | Classification: Human resource consulting, Human resource consulting | Visit Online: mgheewala.com | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 6166 6555
    • RefreshHolidays|AirTicketing|DomesticTour|InternationalTours|VisaServiceInKandivaliMumbai | Location details: 162,first floor,Raghuleela Mall, Off, SV Rd, behind Poisar Bus Depot, Kandivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400067, India | Classification: Tour operator, Tour operator | Visit Online: refreshholidays.in | Contact Number (Helpline): +91 22 4972 2285
    • TheSkyProduction:WebsiteDesignerAndDeveloper | Location details: Sainath Complex, SV Rd, Daulat Nagar, Borivali East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400066, India | Classification: Website designer, Website designer | Visit Online: | Contact Number (Helpline):
    • Web Development Companies in Mumbai

      1. Technowebsy Address: 406,BMC Retail Market, Near Dreams Mall, Bhandup(w), Mumbai, Maharashtra 400078 Phone: 072080 02213, website:www.technowebsy.com

      IT Training Institutes/Engineering Colleges in Mumbai

      1. GEEBEE Address: 501, 5th Floor, Soni Shopping Centre, Above Om Jewellers, Lokmanya Tilak Road, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092 Phone: 022 2899 6333, website:geebeeworld.com
      2. Controlcase LLC Address: 203, Town Centre - I,, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400059 Phone: +1 703-483-6383, website: controlcase.com
      3. KiloBytes Technologies Address: Panchsheel, Sulochana Shetty Rd, Sion West, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400022 Phone: 073033 33758, website:kilobytes.in
     courses in Mumbai
    Navi Mumbai equals 19 ° 01 ′ N 73 ° 01 ′ E Contents History The Barve Group reported in February 1959. 966 millions in 1951 to4. A phenomenal rate of civic growth has been endured by India during the 25 times following independence and Bombay has had its due share in it. G. With 74th emendations to the constitution in India, the original bodies got indigenous status but at the same time the twelfth Schedule under composition 243 W cast upon these bodies to perform duties, which are further than traditional one. Navi Mumbai is developed through a especially constituted planning authority and completely possessed Government Company, videlicet City & Industrial Development Corporation of( Maharashtra)Ltd. Navi Mumbai also has numerous quality caffs and luxury hospices for accommodation like Four Poins by Sheraton and Fortune Exotica. These developments caused a unforeseen growth in profitable conditioning and population in Navi Mumbai. Hence United Nations Conference on Environment and Development( UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 established “ Agenda 21 ” for environmental sustainability. Regional Planners as well as special pl anning authority have applied their full moxie to give the stylish physical terrain to this megacity.

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